"SOCAR Georgia Gas" company

About the customer
"SOCAR Georgia Gas" is the largest natural gas supplier in Georgia. The company provides natural gas to more than 780 thousand subscribers throughout the country and is at leading position in terms of work efficiency and quality, while being one of the largest employers in Georgia (the staff of the company consists of 3000 people).
The management of the group of companies set the task of automating basic office work: "offices" and work with organizational and administrative documentation, improving the control over the performance discipline, as well supporting interaction between the regional enterprises of the company. The specifics of the project were the necessity to build single document management system for 8 companies of the group, including 6 regional ones.
The participation in the project of several companies of the group at once, which presented their functional requirements for electronic document management system, complicated the selection process. However, thanks to simple and multifunctional "branch mode" of WSS Docs system, the selection process was significantly simplified. This mode made it possible to organize the documents management of all the companies of the group in single information space.
The decision to apply this system was made in 2014. The implementation of the project on the application of electronic document management took 8 months. At present, more than 1000 employees work in the system. During this period, the company was able to automate more than 20 business processes, including through the use of internal human resources, as well to implement the integration with other information systems.
"We pay special attention to the use of modern information technologies and automation tools. Special role among the business process automation systems operating at our enterprises belongs to WSS Docs electronic document management system. The decision to implement this system was made in 2014. Even then, we felt positive effect of using the system, we managed not only to increase the efficiency of the document management, but also to optimize many business processes, as well significantly strengthen the control over the timely execution of in-house tasks. And today, after 7 years, we are able to hardly imagine the life of the company without WSS Docs."

Download recommendation letter

Azer Mammadov
Director of SOCAR Georgia Gas
Completed projects
Azerbaijan, Baku, 12 Nigar Rafibayli str.,
Passage 1901, 1st floor
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